
Recent and ongoing projects include:

  • Development of the Coastal Resilience Model as part of the University of Southampton led CoastRes project. For further details see the CoastalRes pages on the CCO web site here.
  • Long-term morphological change of the Oka Estuary, Northern Spain, working with AZTI.
  • Morphological development of the prograding spit at Pagham Harbour on the South coast of the UK. This study examined the very rapid changes in the spit, over the last 10-15 years, to provide advice on how it might continue to evolve and the consequences of a breach (natural or human induced).
  • The genesis of Flora Bank at the mouth of the Skeena river, Prince Rupert, BC, Canada, in association with SedTrend, Canada ( ).
  • Various reviews of ongoing and proposed coastal and estuarine developments.