
A summary of each Toolbox and App is available here.

By downloading any of the files below you are accepting the licence agreement for this software.

See our Privacy Policy here

The software packages have been migrated to GitHub. You can see all repositories at the CoastalSEA GitHub site. The table below gives details of the links to the individual toolboxes and Apps. There are two options to access these packages from the GitHub CoastalSEA site:

  1. You can clone the Toolbox/App repository to create your own Git version controlled working copy;
  2. Select the Releases link. The page with the latest release has the options to download the Matlab(TM) install file, or a zip file of the code for this release.
dstoolboxToolbox for dstables and associated tools.
muitoolboxToolbox to build bespoke model interfaces
AsmitaMorphological model for inlets and estuaries
ChannelFormApp to model marine transgression of an estuary channel within a valley
CoastalToolsApp to analyse coastal process data
CSTmodelHydraulic model for convergent tidal-rivers
ModelSkillApp to examine model performance using a Taylor Plot and Skill Score
ModelUISet of demonstration applications to illustrate use of muitoolbox
MRBreachApp to examine site hypsometry and design breaches for managed realignment sites
SedToolsApp to analyse settling column data
TableViewerApp to analyse tables of data loaded from text files, spreadsheets, or .mat files
WaveRayModelForward and backward wave ray tracing model

Use the links below to download training packs

CoastalTools training pack 1.02 26.04 MB 45 downloads
Training exercise and supporting data …
ASMITA training pack 1.02 5.88 MB 66 downloads
Training exercise with supporting materials …

Legacy versions of some software packages can be downloaded here